07890 525787

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Derbyshire Physio

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Offering a Wide Range of Physical Therapy Services


Whether your problem is acute or long standing, physiotherapy assessment and treatment plays an important role in reducing pain, and promoting rehabilitation. We aim to restore your normal daily function, so you can keep up your recreational activities and return to work.

Sport Massage

The aim of a sports massage is to help prevent injuries, treat a pre-existing injury, and assist to rectifying a muscular imbalance and/or dysfunction.


Derived from Ancient Chinese medicine acupuncture is used to aid healing and reduce pain from many common conditions

Physiotherapy At Home

‘Derbyshire Physio: Physiotherapy At Home’ is designed to target people who are unable to get to clinics/outpatient departments due to health related factors, poor mobility, or needing specific environmental assessments and recommendations.


Cupping therapy is a form of alternative medicine commonly used to treat muscle pain in the neck, shoulders, and back.

Sports Taping

Sports taping is commonly used by physiotherapists to relieve pain, improve joint stability, enhance athlete confidence, reduce injury recurrence, and prevent injury.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)

An advanced massage therapy which is frequently prescribed by surgeons for both pre– & post-cosmetic surgery and liposuction. It has also been shown to help with Chronic Fatigue Syndromes.

Hot Stones

Hot Stone Massage: an alternative medicine massage therapy involving the placement of a number of heated basalt stones to the body for the purpose of pain relief and relaxation.

Indian Head Massage

A slow paced soothing massage focused on the face, neck, scalp, upper back and shoulder to relieve stress, stimulate detoxification, calm the mind, and improve mental clarity.

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Meet Our Physiotherapist

Naomi Simpson

I’m always fascinated by the way we can facilitate people to achieve their goals; physically, and psychologically. As a frequent gym goer myself I know how it feels to have those persistent niggles and aches, and as a sports fan to see how athletes rehabilitate post injury and how the club aims to prevent/pre-hab their players, really caught my attention. I therefore decided to complete the Level 3 Sports Massage Diploma as a way to help people achieve their physical goals, prevent and treat injuries, and also help people to eradicate that ‘tight hamstring’ or ‘tense shoulders’ that impact their life on a day to day basis.

Our Patient’s Reviews

"I have had lots of massages over the years ,as a keen swimmer and runner, l thought Naomi's was one of the best very thorough and good pressure. Running on springs after. Definitely recommend."

Angela Oldham

Pride of Derbyshire Sports Award Winner

“As a keen cyclist and skier I have regular sports massages. The pressure was great and I felt much better afterwards. Would definitely recommend”

Stuart Thomson

Director at Bancroft Amenities